
Fresh Garden Salad with Papaya Noodles, Kituk berries

Fresh Garden Salad with Papaya Noodles, Kituk berries

Home » Living Foods » TO LIVE FOR! Recipe Book » Salads » TO LIVE FOR! recipe book


Pictures of dessert recipes in the TO LIVE FOR! recipe book.

Masterpiece "Spoothies"

What's a "Spoothie"? Invented by Living Foods Chef Eric Rivkin, they are easy-to-make smoothies you eat with a spoon! This album contains pictures of masterpieces anyone can make guided by the Spoothie section in the international hit TO LIVE FOR! low fat raw recipe book. Interns, guests, and their children at Jewel of the Sun where the Spoothie was born, were all inspired to eat these delight-filled low fat raw meals they were proud and supported to make at home. Get creative or let everyone build their own from a Spoothie Smorgasbord. The spoonabilities are endless!

Beverages, Juices, Nut Milks, Elixirs

Pictures of beverage recipes in the TO LIVE FOR! recipe book.


Pictures of soup recipes in the TO LIVE FOR! recipe book.

Dips, Pestos, Pates, Salsas

Pictures of Dips, Pestos, Pates, Salsas recipes in the TO LIVE FOR! recipe book.

Dressings, Sauces, Marinades

Pictures of Dressings, Sauces, Marinades recipes in the TO LIVE FOR! recipe book.

Nut and Noni Cheeses

Pictures of Nut and Noni Cheeses recipes in the TO LIVE FOR! recipe book.

Crackers, Crusts, Crepes, Dried Foods

Pictures of Crackers, Crusts, Crepes, Dried Foods recipes in the TO LIVE FOR! recipe book.


Pictures of Salad recipes in the TO LIVE FOR! recipe book.

Main, Side Dishes

Pictures of Main, Side Dish recipes in the TO LIVE FOR! recipe book.